

Voice Therapy

Your voice is as unique and personal as your fingerprint. Changes in individual voice quality can occur for many reasons. Some changes can occur due to extraneous tension while speaking causing Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD). MTD can occur when a pathology such as Vocal Nodules of Vocal Polyps is present or without significant injury to the structures that allow us to speak. This is one reason a thorough examination from an Otolaryngologist is required before therapy can begin, especially when the source of the vocal change is unknown.

Voice therapy has been proven to improve the voice quality and overall communication with individuals diagnosed with Spasmodic Dysphonia, Presbylaryngis, Vocal Cord Paralysis, Paradoxical Vocal Cord Dysfunction, and Parkinson’s Disorder. LSVT LOUD is a highly effective, evidence-based speech therapy that improves communication and quality of life for Parkinson’s populations. Meri is certified in the Lee Silverman Voice Training (LSVT) LOUD to better serve the needs of those affected by Parkinson’s Disease. 

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Comprehensive Evaluations – Voice

A comprehensive voice evaluation examines the quality (hoarseness, breathiness, etc.), resonance, pitch and volume of your voice as well as the breath support and breathing patterns needed for spontaneous speech. These areas (quality, resonance, pitch, volume and respiration) are measured in both perceptual observations (i.e. describing notable tension before, during and after speaking) and acoustic evaluations (i.e. what is the average pitch of your spontaneous speaking voice?) For voice evaluations, a thorough examination by an Otolaryngologist may be required before therapy can begin.

Extensive background information (i.e. history of vocal health disorders/problems, overall health history and environmental factors related to voice disorders) as well as current information on the daily use and care of your voice throughout the day will be gathered and assessed for individualized goal development.

Most importantly, your perceptions and emotions around the effects of your vocal issues will be discussed and measured. This helps to better understand the effects your voice quality has on your overall quality of life. Whether you are a professional singer, teacher, salesperson, student, actor, waiter or retired, everyone needs a voice they can consistently rely on. When the quality of voice is negatively affected, all areas of life (professional, social, personal) can also be negatively affected. Voice therapy can help!

If requested, you will receive a written report complete with formal assessment results, clinical analyses, observations, background information, recommendations, and suggested, individualized goals for therapy.

**For initial evaluations of school age children, a screening will be utilized to determine the need for testing in other areas of communication (i.e. articulation, receptive/expressive language, pragmatic/social language)

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