

Stuttering Therapy

Request a Consultation

Individualized therapy focuses on:


  • Talking about your stutter
    • How to talk to others about it and advocate for your communication needs.
    • What strategies work for you…and when?
    • Addressing challenging environments when communication is more difficult.


  • Who else stutters and what has worked for them.
  • What support groups and websites have to offer you and why it’s important.


  • How we speak
  • Why we stutter
  • History and Science
  • Types of stutters and which ones effect me the most
  • Successful strategies and what works best in different environments

Comprehensive Evaluations – Stuttering

For those who have never had a communication evaluation focused on stuttering, a comprehensive stuttering evaluation will be provided. A stuttering evaluation examines the frequency, type and duration of stuttering events in a variety of contexts over time. 

Extensive background information (i.e. overall health history, family history, educational and therapy history, possibly developmental history) will be gathered and assessed but more importantly, your perceptions and emotions around the effects of your stuttering will be discussed and measured. This helps to better understand the effects stuttering has on your overall quality of life, focus individualized goals and help to measure therapy efficacy. 

If requested, you will receive a written report complete with formal assessment results, clinical analyses, observations, background information, recommendations, and suggested, individualized goals for therapy. 

**For initial evaluations for school age children, a screening will be utilized to determine the need for testing in other areas of communication (i.e. articulation, receptive/expressive language, pragmatic/social language).

For those who have had complete evaluations in the past, a formal evaluation focused on stuttering may not be required to develop functional, individualized goals that improve communication. During an initial consultation, it can be determined if further formal testing and what types of assessments may be warranted. 

Therapy Options